Søk i Telefonkatalogen. A til Å. Alt om koronasituasjonen; Ansatte i Fredriksstad Blad; Bildeserier; Debatt The Gospel of Nicodemus, also known as the Acts of Pilate (Latin: Acta Pilati; Greek: Πράξεις Πιλάτου), is an apocryphal gospel claimed to have been derived from an original Hebrew work written by Nicodemus, who appears in the Gospel of John as an associate of Jesus. The title "Gospel of Nicodemus" is medieval in origin. The dates of its accreted sections are uncertain, but · Edwina Bartholomew is sharing her thoughts on the current nappy change debate. Conservation was sparked earlier this week when a popular
Edwina Bartholomew weighs in on 'absurd' nappy change debate | Daily Mail Online
Employing in its liturgy the East Syriac Rite in the Syriac languageit is part of Syriac Christianity. Headquartered in the Cathedral of Mary Mother of SorrowsBaghdadcharles bartholomew dating, Iraqcharles bartholomew dating, sinceit is headed by the Catholicos - Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako. Init had a membership of , of whom Department of State.
Charles bartholomew dating Chaldean Catholic Church arose following a schism within the Church of the East. Inthe established "Eliya line" of patriarchs was opposed by a rival patriarch, Sulaqawho initiated what is called the "Shimun line".
He, and his early successors, entered into communion with the Catholic Churchcharles bartholomew dating, but in the course of over a century loosened their link with Rome and under Shimun XIII Dinkhaopenly renounced it inby adopting a profession of faith that contradicted that of Rome, while they maintained their independence from the "Eliya line".
Leadership of those who wished to be in communion with Rome then passed to the Archbishop of Amid Joseph Irecognized as Catholic patriarch, first by the Turkish civil authoritiesand then by Rome itself A century and a half later, inRome conferred headship of the Catholics on Yohannan Hormizd.
A member of the "Eliya line" family: he opposed Eliya XII —the last of that line to be elected in the normal way as patriarch, was himself irregularly elected inas Sulaqa had been inand won over to communion with Rome most of the followers of the Eliya line.
The "Shimun line" that in entered communion with Rome and broke it off inis now that of the church that in officially adopted the name " Assyrian Church of the East ", [9] [10] [11] [12] while a member of the "Eliya line" family is part of the series of patriarchs of the Chaldean Catholic Church, charles bartholomew dating. For many centuries, from at least the time of Jerome c.
They consecrated leavened bread and used the 'Chaldean' Syriac language". Outside of Catholic Church usage, the term "Chaldean" continued to apply to all associated charles bartholomew dating the Church of the East tradition, whether they were in communion with Rome or not. It indicated not race or nationality, but only language or religion. Throughout the 19th century it continued to be used of East Syriac Christians, whether "Nestorian" or Catholic, [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] and this usage continued into the 20th century.
Patriarch Raphael I Bidawid of the Chaldean Catholic Church —who accepted the term Assyrian as descriptive of his nationality, commented: "When a portion of the Church of the East became Catholic in the 17th Century, the name given to the church was 'Chaldean' based on the Magi kings who were believed by some to have come from what once had been the land of the Chaldean, to Bethlehem.
The name 'Chaldean' does not represent an ethnicity, just a church [ The Chaldean Catholic Church traces its beginnings to the Church of the Eastwhich was founded in the Parthian Empire.
The Acts of the Apostles mentions Parthians as among those to whom the apostles preached on the day of Pentecost Acts Thomas the ApostleThaddeus of Edessaand Bartholomew the Apostle are reputed to be its founders. One of charles bartholomew dating modern Churches that boast descent from it says it is "the Church in Babylon" spoken of in 1 Peter and that he visited it.
Under the rule of the Sasanian Empirewhich overthrew the Parthians inthe Church of the East continued to develop its distinctive identity by use of the Syriac language and Syriac script. One "Persian" bishop was at the First Council of Nicaea The Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon ofheld in the Sasanian capital, recognized the city's bishop Isaac as Catholicoswith authority throughout the Church of the East. The persistent military conflicts between the Sasanians and the by then Christianized Roman Empire made the Persians suspect the Church of the East of sympathizing with the enemy.
This in turn induced the Church of the East to distance itself increasingly from that in the Roman Empire. Although in a time of peace their council explicitly accepted the decrees of some "western" councils, including that of Nicaea, in they determined that thenceforth they would refer disciplinary or theological problems to no external power, especially not to any "western" bishop or council. The theological controversy that followed the Council of Ephesus in was a turning point in the history of the Church of the East.
The Council condemned as heretical the Christology of Nestoriuswhose reluctance to accord the Virgin Mary the title Theotokos "God-bearer, Charles bartholomew dating of God" was taken as evidence that he believed two separate persons as opposed to two united natures to be present within Christ, charles bartholomew dating. The Sasanian Emperor provided refuge for those who in the Nestorian Schism rejected the decrees of the Council of Ephesus enforced in the Byzantine Empire.
Under the influence of Barsaumacharles bartholomew dating, Bishop of Nisibisthe Church of the East officially accepted as normative the teaching not of Nestorius himself, but of his teacher Theodore of Mopsuestiawhose writings the Second Council of Constantinople condemned as Nestorian but some modern scholars view them as orthodox.
After its split with the West and its adoption of a theology that some called Nestorianism, the Church of the East expanded rapidly in the medieval period due to missionary work. Between and its geographical horizon extended well beyond its heartland in present-day northern Iraqnortheastern Syria and southeastern Turkeysetting up communities throughout Central Asia and as far as China as witnessed by the Nestorian Stelea Tang dynasty tablet in Chinese script dating to that documented years of Christian history in China, charles bartholomew dating.
However, a decline had already set in at the time of Yahballaha III —when the Church of the East reached its greatest geographical extent, it had in south and central Iraq and in south, central and east Persia only four dioceses, where at the end of the ninth century it had at least 54, [40] and Yahballaha himself died at the hands of a Muslim mob.
Aroundthe Turco-Mongol nomadic conqueror Timur arose out of the Eurasian Steppe to lead military campaigns across WesternSouthern and Central Asiaultimately seizing much of the Muslim world after defeating the Mamluks of Egypt and Syriacharles bartholomew dating, the emerging Ottoman Empireand the declining Delhi Sultanate.
Timur's conquests devastated most Assyrian bishoprics and destroyed the year-old cultural and religious capital of Assur. After the destruction brought on by Timur, the massive and organized Nestorian Church structure was charles bartholomew dating reduced to its region of origin, with the exception of the Saint Thomas Christians in India.
The Church of the East has seen many disputes about the position of Catholicos. A synod in decided that neither of the two claimants, Elisha and Narsaiwho had been elected by rival groups of bishops inwas legitimate. The conflict was not merely between two individuals but extended to two rival lines of patriarchs, like the schism between what are now called the Assyrian and the Ancient Church of the East. Dissent over the practice of hereditary succession to the Patriarchate usually from uncle to nephew led to the action in by a group of bishops from the northern regions of Amid and Salmas who elected as a rival Patriarch the abbot of Rabban Hormizd Monastery which was the Patriarch's residence Yohannan Sulaqa.
So Sulaqa travelled to Rome, where, presented as the new patriarch elect, he entered communion with the Catholic Church and was ordained by the Pope and recognized as patriarch. The title or description under which he was recognized as patriarch is given variously as "Patriarch of Mosul in Eastern Syria"; [43] "Patriarch of charles bartholomew dating Church of the Chaldeans of Mosul"; [44] "Patriarch of the Chaldeans"; [42] [45] [46] "patriarch of Mosul"; [47] [48] [49] charles bartholomew dating "patriarch of the Eastern Assyrians", this last being the version given charles bartholomew dating Pietro Strozzi on the second-last unnumbered page before page 1 of his De Charles bartholomew dating Chaldaeorumcharles bartholomew dating, [50] of which charles bartholomew dating English translation is given in Adrian Fortescue's Lesser Eastern Churches.
The names already in use except that of "Nestorian" were thus applied to the existing church not a new one for which the request to consecrate its patriarch was made by emissaries who gave the impression that the patriarchal see was vacant.
Shimun VIII Yohannan Sulaqa returned home in the same year and, unable to take possession of the traditional patriarchal seat near Alqoshresided in Amid.
Before being put to death at the instigation of the partisans of the Patriarch from whom he had broken away, [47] he ordained two metropolitans and three other bishops, charles bartholomew dating, [46] [48] thus initiating a new ecclesiastical hierarchy under what is known as the "Shimun line" of patriarchs, who soon moved from Amid eastward, settling, after many intervening places, in the isolated village of Qochanis under Persian rule.
Sulaqa's earliest successors entered into communion with charles bartholomew dating Catholic Churchbut in the course of over a century their link with Rome grew weak.
The last to request and obtain formal papal recognition died in They adopted hereditary succession to the patriarchate, opposition to which had caused the schism. InShimun XIII Dinkha formally broke communion with Rome, adopting a profession of faith that contradicted that of Rome, while he maintained his independence from the Alqosh-based "Eliya line" of patriarchs.
The "Shimun line" eventually became the patriarchal line of what since is officially called the Assyrian Church of the East. Leadership of those who wished to be in communion with Rome then passed to Archbishop Joseph of Amid. In his leadership was recognized first charles bartholomew dating the Turkish civil authorities, and then in by Rome. Until then, the authority of the Alqosh patriarch over Amid, which had been Sulaqa's residence but which his successors abandoned on having to move eastward into Safavid Iranhad been accepted by the Turkish authorities.
All the non-hereditary successors in Amid of Joseph I, who in resigned for health reasons and lived on in Rome untilcharles bartholomew dating, took the name Joseph: Joseph II —Joseph III —Joseph IV — For that reason they are known as the "Josephite line". Joseph IV presented his resignation in and it was accepted inafter which he handed over the administration of the patriarchate to his nephew, not yet a bishop, and retired to Rome, where he lived until Appointment of the nephew as patriarch would look like acceptance charles bartholomew dating the principle of hereditary succession.
Besides, the Alqosh "Eliya line" was drawing closer to Rome, and the pro-Catholic faction within its followers was becoming predominant. For various reasons, including the ecclesiastical as well as political turbulence in Europe after the French RevolutionRome was long unable to choose between two rival claimants to headship of the Chaldean Catholics.
The adoption by the "Shimun line" of patriarchs of Nestorian doctrine had been followed in some areas by widespread adoption of the opposing Christology upheld in Rome. This occurred not only in the Amid-Mardin area for which by Turkish decree Joseph I was patriarch, but also in the city of Mosulwhere by nearly all the East Syrians were Catholics. In view of this situation, Patriarch Eliya XI wrote to the Pope inandasking for union.
Then, inboth he and his designated successor Ishoyabb made a profession of faith that Rome accepted, thus establishing communion in principle. When Eliya XI died inthe metropolitans recognized as his successor Ishoyabb, who accordingly took the Eliya name Eliya XII. To win support, Eliya made profession of the Catholic faith, but almost immediately renounced it and declared his support of the traditionalist Nestorian view.
Yohannan Hormizda member of the "Eliya line" family, opposed Eliya XII —charles bartholomew dating, the last of that line to be elected in the normal way as patriarch. In Yohannan was irregularly elected patriarch, as Sulaqa had been in He won over to communion with Rome most followers of the "Eliyya line".
The Holy See did not recognize him as patriarch, but in appointed him archbishop of Amid and administrator of the Catholic patriarchate. The violent protests of Joseph IV's nephew, who was then in Rome, and suspicions raised by others about the sincerity of Yohannan's conversion prevented this being put into effect.
In it was agreed that Yohannan should withdraw from Amid to Mosulthe metropolitan see that he already held, but that the post of patriarch would not be conferred on his rival, Joseph IV's nephew.
In the latter was appointed metropolitan of Amid and administrator of the patriarchate, charles bartholomew dating, but not patriarch. Nonetheless, he became commonly known as Joseph V. He died in Yohannan's rival for the Alqosh title of patriarch had died inwith his followers so reduced in number that they did not elect any successor for him, charles bartholomew dating, thus bringing the Alqosh or Eliya line to an end. Finally then, incharles bartholomew dating, a century and a half after the Holy See had conferred headship of the Chaldeans on Joseph I of Amid, it granted recognition as Patriarch to Yohannan, whose non-hereditary patriarchal succession has since then lasted unbroken in the Chaldean Catholic Church.
Inthe Kurds of Soran attacked the Rabban Hormizd Monastery and Alqosh, apparently thinking the villagers were Yazidis responsible for the murder of a Kurdish chieftain, and killed over Chaldeans, including Gabriel Dambo, the refounder of the monastery, and other monks. Inthe Ottoman Empirewhich had previously charles bartholomew dating as Nestorians those who called themselves Chaldeans, granted them recognition as a distinct millet.
The most famous patriarch of the Chaldean Church in the 19th century was Joseph VI Audo who is remembered also for his clashes with Pope Pius IX mainly about his attempts to extend the Chaldean jurisdiction over the Malabar Catholics. This was a period of expansion for the Chaldean Catholic Church. The activity of the Turkish army and their Kurdish and Arab allies, partly in response to armed support for Russia in the territory of the Qochanis patriarchate, brought ruin also to the Chaldean dioceses of Amid, charles bartholomew dating, Siirt and Gazarta and the metropolitans Addai Scher of Siirt and Philippe-Jacques Abraham of Gazarta were charles bartholomew dating in In the 21st century, Father Ragheed Aziz Gannithe pastor of the Chaldean Church of the Holy Spirit in Mosulwho graduated from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum in Rome in with a licentiate in ecumenical theology, was killed on 3 June in Mosul alongside the subdeacons Basman Yousef Daud, Wahid Hanna Isho, and Gassan Isam Bidawed, after he celebrated mass.
Chaldean Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho and three companions were abducted on 29 Februaryin Mosul, and murdered a few days later, charles bartholomew dating. There are many Chaldeans in diaspora in the Western worldprimarily in the American states of MichiganIllinois and California.
In the Eparchy of Oceaniawith the title of 'St Thomas the Apostle of Sydney of the Chaldeans' was set up with jurisdiction including the Chaldean Catholic communities of Australia and New Zealand.
There has been a large immigration to the United States particularly to West Bloomfield in southeast Michigan. In addition, Canada in recent years has shown growing communities in provinces such as Ontario. Incharles bartholomew dating, Bawai Soro of the Assyrian Church of the East and 1, Assyrian families were received into full communion with the Chaldean Catholic Church. On Friday, charles bartholomew dating, June 10,Pope Benedict XVI erected a new Chaldean Catholic eparchy in Toronto, OntarioCanada and named Archbishop Yohannan Zorawho has worked alongside four priests with Catholics in Toronto the largest community of Chaldeans for nearly 20 years and who was previously an ad personam Archbishop he will retain this rank as head of the eparchy and the Archbishop of the Archdiocese Archeparchy of Charles bartholomew dating, Iran since The new eparchy, or diocese, will be known as the Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Mar Addai.
There are 38, Chaldean Catholics in Canada. Archbishop Zora was born in Batnaia, Iraqon March 15, He was ordained in and worked in Iraqi parishes before being transferred to Iran in The Australian census counted a total of 4, Chaldean Catholics in that country. Despite the internal discords of the reigns of Yohannan Hormizd —Nicholas I Zaya — and Joseph VI Audo charles bartholomew datingthe 19th century was a period of considerable growth for the Chaldean church, charles bartholomew dating, in which its territorial jurisdiction was extended, its hierarchy strengthened charles bartholomew dating its membership nearly doubled, charles bartholomew dating.
In the Anglican missionary George Percy Badger recorded the population of the Chaldean church as 2, Chaldean families, or just under 20, persons. Charles bartholomew dating figures cannot be squared with the figure of just over 4, Chaldean families recorded by Fulgence de Sainte Marie in nor with slightly later figures provided by Paulin Martin in
Chaldean Catholic Church - Wikipedia

Søk i Telefonkatalogen. A til Å. Alt om koronasituasjonen; Ansatte i Fredriksstad Blad; Bildeserier; Debatt The Gospel of Nicodemus, also known as the Acts of Pilate (Latin: Acta Pilati; Greek: Πράξεις Πιλάτου), is an apocryphal gospel claimed to have been derived from an original Hebrew work written by Nicodemus, who appears in the Gospel of John as an associate of Jesus. The title "Gospel of Nicodemus" is medieval in origin. The dates of its accreted sections are uncertain, but · Edwina Bartholomew is sharing her thoughts on the current nappy change debate. Conservation was sparked earlier this week when a popular